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Actions: June 22, 2016
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Non-delegable board reports that require member action
Reports from the General Counsel
16-0622-AR2 |
Approve Compliance with Arbitration Award Regarding Speech Language Pathologists |
*Adopted |
16-0622-AR3 |
Approve Compliance with Arbitration Award Regarding Tenured Teacher Julie Detineo |
*Adopted |
16-0622-AR4 |
Appoint Assistant General Counsel, Department of Law (Alexis Ramirez) |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-0622-EX4 |
Principal Contract (New ALSC) (Wayne Bevis) |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX5 |
Principal Contract (Renewal ALSC) (Steven Rouse) |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX6 |
Transfer and Appoint Chief of Diverse Learner Supports and Services (Patrick Baccellieri) |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX7 |
Warning Resolution – Pamela Brunson-Allen, Principal, King School of Social Justice |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX8 |
Warning Resolution – Shaheena Khan, Principal, Aldridge Elementary School |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX9 |
Warning Resolution – Lillian Grymes-Bridge, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Nancy B. Jefferson High School |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX10 |
Warning Resolution – Marlon Jackson, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to George H. Corliss High School |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX11 |
Warning Resolution – Jane Roignant, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Charles Sumner Math and Science Academy |
*Adopted |
16-0622-EX12 |
Warning Resolution – John Steel, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Board of Education
16-0622-RS2 |
Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel |
*Adopted |
16-0622-RS3 |
Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers |
*Adopted |
16-0622-MO2 |
Motion Re: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from May 25, 2016 |
*Adopted |
16-0622-MO3 |
Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public May 25, 2016 |
*Adopted |
16-0622-RS1 |
Resolution: Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils for the New Terms of Office |
Adopted |
16-0622-CO1 |
Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of July 27, 2016 – CPS Loop Office, 42 W. Madison, Garden Level, Board Room, °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ, IL 60602 |
*No action |
Report from the Chief Executive Officer
16-0622-EX1 |
Transfer of Funds* *[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board] |
Adopted |
Report from the Senior Vice President of Finance
16-0622-FN1 |
Authorize Placement of the Board's FY 2017 Excess Liability and Property Insurance Programs Through Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc. |
*Adopted as amended |
Reports from the Chief Administrative Officer
16-0622-OP1 |
Approve Renewal of Lease Agreement with Noble Network of Charter Schools for Lease of a Portion of the Truth School and Annex, Located at 1409 and 1443 N Ogden Ave |
Adopted |
16-0622-OP2 |
Approve New Lease Agreement with The Montessori Network, Inc. for the John's School Building at 6936 S. Hermitage |
Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer
16-0622-PR1 |
Amend Board Report 16-0427-PR2 Amend Board Report 15-0624-PR17 Authorize the Pre-Qualification Status of and New Agreements with Various Vendors to Provide Educational Products |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR2 |
Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Sanford Systems, Inc. dba Key Data Systems for a Formative Assessment Item Bank |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR3 |
Authorize a New Agreement with National Charter Schools Institute for a School Oversight System |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR4 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Fidelity Print Communications for Custom Printing Services |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR5 |
Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR6 |
Authorize Annual Renewal Agreement with Oracle America, Inc |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR7 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Sentinel Technologies, Inc. for Virtual Private Networking Replacement Services |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR8 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Kerry's Autobody, Inc. for Vehicle Maintenance and Service Services |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR9 |
Amend Board Report 15-1028-PR3 Authorize the Pre-Qualification Status of and New Agreements with Various Vendors to Provide Professional Services |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR10 |
Amend Board Report 16-0323-PR13 Ratify Approve Payment and Authorize New Agreements with Various Vendors for Teacher Referral and Support Services |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR11 |
Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Frontline Technologies, Inc. to Provide Substitute Services Placement System |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR12 |
Authorize the Second and Final Renewal with Various Vendors for Temporary Staffing Services |
Adopted |
16-0622-PR13 |
Approve Entering Into an Agreement with °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Area Interpreter Referral Services for Sign Language Interpreting Services |
Adopted |
Delegable Reports
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-0622-EX2 |
Report on Principal Contracts (New) |
Accepted |
16-0622-EX3 |
Report on Principal Contracts (Renewal) |
Accepted |
Report from the General Counsel
16-0622-AR1 |
Report on Board Report Rescissions |
Accepted |
*Presented at the meeting
I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.
Susan J. Narrajos